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On-Demand Webinar

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Group 1597880442
Group 1597880441
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Unlocking Productivity: Produce8's Transformative Update for MSP Efficiency

Webinar Highlights


Integrations: Seamless integration with Google Calendar, Outlook, Teams, Zoom, and Slack for optimized meeting tracking.


Executive Dashboards: Detailed insights into meeting costs, employee salaries, and resource allocation for enhanced profitability.


User Sentiment Analysis: Leverage team feedback to foster a healthier work environment.


Empowerment Tools: Personalized reports, real-time metrics, and goal setting for boosted productivity and work-life balance.


MSP Success: Insights from Marco La Vecchia on equipping MSPs to become strategic advisors on productivity.

About the Speakers

Marco La Vecchia

Chief Revenue Officer @ Produce8

Marco La Vecchia, Produce8's new Chief Revenue Officer, brings extensive experience from leadership roles at industry giants like N-able and AVG. Based in Ottawa, Canada, his focus on strategic partnerships aligns with Produce8's mission to revolutionize digital work analytics. With a passion for solving challenges in distributed work environments, Marco drives innovation, empowering MSPs and enterprises with actionable insights for enhanced productivity.

Liam Levesque

Director of User Experience @ Produce8

Liam makes understanding our work habits fun and easy, by using his power to transform team sparks into reality. While people talk themselves in knots, he can quickly turn a discussion into visuals that create a shared understanding.


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